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Sabtu, 28 Maret 2015

LPDP Scholarship Presentation In Malang

* Tanggal :
Selasa, 07 April 2015
* Jam :
08:00- selesai
* Tempat :
Aula BAU Kampus III - UMM
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Tawaran beasiswa untuk kader Muhammadiyah

ADA kabar baik bagi alumni sekolah Muhammadiyah yang ingin kuliah di Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang (UMM). Lulusan SMA/ SMK/ MA Muhammadiyah memiliki peluang memperoleh beasiswa khusus kader Muhammadiyah dengan potongan 50% dari jumlah Dana Pengembangan Pendidikan (DPP). Beasiswa ini berlaku bagi calon mahasiswa yang memilih prodi apapun di UMM.
      Rektor UMM, Prof Dr Muhadjir Effendy, MAP, menuturkan kesempatan ini diberikan sebagai komitmen UMM dalam dakwah di bidang pendidikan. “Melalui beasiswa ini, diharapkan semakin banyak kader Muhammadiyah yang melanjutkan studi di perguruan tinggi, terutama di PT-PT berkualitas,” tuturnya dalam suatu kesempatan.
      Rektor menambahkan, dengan adanya kesempatan beasiswa tersebut maka sekarang sekolah-sekolah Muhammadiyah memiliki kesempatan untuk mempersiapkan diri agar murid-muridnya kelak bisa lulus tes ujian masuk UMM. Dengan demikian, sekolah bisa melakukan promosi bahwa dengan sekolah di Muhammadiyah akan memiliki peluang masuk di UMM dan memperoleh beasiswa.      Selain beasiswa alumni Muhammadiyah, UMM juga memberikan kesempatan pada yatim piatu dan kader ulama. Keduanya diberikan kepada kader yang mendapatkan rekomendasi dari Pimpinan Daerah Muhammadiyah (PDM) asal calon mahasiswa. Baik beasiswa yatim piatu maupun Program Pendidikan Ulama Tarjih (PPUT) memperoleh beasiswa penuh selama studi, baik SPP maupun DPP.      Kepala Unit Pelaksana Teknis (UPT) Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru (PMB) UMM, Dr Ir Ermanu Azizul Hakim MT mengungkapkan, untuk mendapatkan beasiswa-beasiswa ini syaratnya berbeda-beda.      “Bagi camaba dari alumni Muhammmadiyah atau bersekolah dari kelas 1-3 di sekolah Muhammadiyah, Untuk beasiswa yatim piatu,harus memperoleh rekomendasi PDM setempat, sedangkan PPUT dibuka dua tahun sekali dengan rekomendasi dan seleksi untuk masuk di jurusan Syarian dan Tarbiyah,” terangnya.      Beasiswa lain yang menarik di UMM adalah beasiswa bagi yang memiliki saudara kandung dengan potongan DPP sesuai dengan jumlah saudara yang studi di UMM. Selain itu ada beasiswa bebas SPP semester satu untuk yang mendaftar menggunakan jalur undangan. Bagi yang menempuh jalur undangan karena prestasi akademik, disyaratkan mempunyai nilai rata-rata rapor minimal 75.00 sejak semester I sampai semester V. Khusus pilihan Farmasi, selain syarat di atas, nilai rata-rata mata pelajaran IPA dan Matematika minimal 75.00.      Sementara itu jalur minat dan bakat diperuntukkan untuk siswa yang berprestasi di bidang olahraga, seni, karya ilmiah atau keagamaan minimal di tingkat Kota atau Kabupaten yang dibuktikan dengan piagam penghargaan atau sertifikat. Namun, jalur ini tidak diperuntukkan untuk program studi Farmasi.      Semua beasiswa di atas bisa diraih sejak awal kuliah. Sedangkan beasiswa yang diberikan ketika sudah menjalani studi lebih banyak lagi. Mulai dari beasiswa Yayasan Supersemar, BBM, PPA, Djarum Bakti Pendidikan, hingga pertukaran mahasiswa ke Eropa dan berbagai Negara lainnya.      Untuk mendapatkan petunjuk dan formulir pendaftaran, Ermanu menyarankan agar calon mahasiswa melihat langsung dan mendaftar secara online di “Jika ingin info lebih lanjut bisa langsung datang ke UPT-PMB UMM,” lanjut Ermanu. (ger/zul/han/nas)

Kamis, 26 Maret 2015

Free Seminar : AKLAM (Aktualisasi Keilmuan Islam)

Free For 300 Seat.
***AKLAM (Aktualisasi Keilmuan Islam)***
Semakin banyaknya organisasi-organisasi liberal yang terus berupaya menanamkan pemahaman liberalisme terhadap civitas kampus maupun masyarakat luas, maka kecil kemungkinan jika kami hanya bergerak seorang diri, maka kami sangat membutuhkan bantuan dan dukungan dari berbagai pihak dan bekerjasama untuk membangkitkan kembali kejayaan Islam.
Pemateri :
1. Firtra Ratori S. Si
Ex Middle East News TV One.
2. Dr. Prihandoko
Assistant Director, Doctoral Program GUnadarma University.
Waktu : Sabtu, 4 April 2015
Pukul 08.30 WIB – 13.00 WIB
Tempat : Auditorium D462 Kampus D Universitas Gunadarma

“Peran Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam Mewujudkan Generasi Muda yang Kreatif, Inovatif, dan Humanis.”

Yuk ikuti Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah..
“Peran Ilmu Pengetahuan dalam Mewujudkan Generasi Muda yang Kreatif, Inovatif, dan Humanis.”

Hadiah :
1. Juara 1: Rp 3.500.000,00+ Tropi + Sertifikat
2. Juara 2 : Rp 2.500.000,00 + Tropi + Sertifikat
3. Juara 3 : Rp 1.750.000,00 + Tropi + Sertifikat
4. Juara Harapan 1: Rp 1.000.000,00+ Tropi + Sertifikat
5. Juara Harapan 2 : Rp 750.000,00 + Tropi + Sertifikat
6. Juara Harapan 3 : Rp 500.000,00 + Tropi + Sertifikat
*Semua finalis mendapatkan sertifikat

Media Partner : Jenesys Indonesia-Japan​

IRON 2015

Yuk ikutan rangkaian acara di International Relations Championship 2015 (IRON)
Kegiatan ini akan dilaksanakan pada
Hari & tanggal : Kamis – Sabtu, 28-30 Mei 2015
Tempat : Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Politik UIN Jakarta
Rangkaian acara :
1. English Debate
2. Lomba Karya Tulis Ilmiah
3. Speech Competition
Contact Person :
Media Partner : Jenesys Indonesia-Japan

Festival Budaya

Buat semua temen2 sma/smk sederajat yg tertarik dengan bahasa perancis, yuk ikuti "Lomba Menyanyi Bahasa Prancis" via Youtube.
Pemenang akan mendapatkan: Tropy, Sertifikat, & uang pembinaan.
Pemenang juga akan tampil dicara penutupan acara "Festival Budaya & Bahasa" pd tgl 19/04/15.
Nah kalo Deadline pengumpulan karya tgl 10 april 2015. So buruan daftar ya....
Informasi lebih lanjut, cek di website
Media Partner : Jenesys Indonesia-Japan

International Career Day

Are you the third year undergraduate students or recent graduates who are looking for practial working and learning experience abroad?
Then, right now is your chance!
International Career Day by AIESEC in Bandung will provide students the global environment to prepare AEC 2015. And how? Of course by providing professional multicultural working experience for all of you!
ICD will be held at two venues:
- Telkom University (March 27th)
- Universitas Padjadjaran (March 28th)
For further explanation and register link just check it at
Come and join us!
Free certificate and entry!
For further information: 
Sarah : 081320206369 Line: sarahchairi
Link to event :
Media Partner : Jenesys Indonesia-Japan

Kamis, 19 Maret 2015

Hagi no Tsuki

Visit Sendai and confuse which Omiyage (Souvenir) to bring which ingredients are Muslim friendly? Dont worry. Two of the most famous souvenir in Tohoku which are Hagi no Tsuki (Prefecture Miyagi) and Kamome no Tamago (Prefecture Iwate) both of them are sweet and InsyaAllah halal if you check the ingredients and we confirmed directly to the company about emulsifier, margarine etc, they said that all ingredients above made from plant based materials. Hagi no Tsuki is spongy cake type with custard cream inside that melt in your mouth and Kamome no Tamago is a sweet cake in quail eggs form made from white Azuki beans paste covered in cake and white chocolate (Yeah, very sweet). Different from Hagi no Tsuki, Kamome no Tamago had various kind of taste which are gold (黄金), red and white (紅白) and banana. They also had seasonal product which is limited edition,strawberry in spring, Peach in summer, Chestnut in Fall, Orange in winter. You can buy both of this sweet in Sendai station Shopping center which is in the first floor of Sendai station or any shopping center around. Be careful, dont eat too much of this cake, you need to control your blood sugar, right? 

mile emoticon


Another review for today, InsyaALLAH...
Who likes Udon? Anyone?
So Udon (饂飩, usually written as うどん) is a type of thick wheat flour noodle and it's so famous in Japan, usually serve hot with fish stock based soup . In Sendai, there are few restaurant that serve Udon which ingredients are Muslim friendly. I will review one of them. The name of restaurant is うどんどん (Udondon) located in the Ebeans building in Sendai Station. Based on direct confirmation to the restaurant, Udon that they served only use fish stock based soup and contains no alcohol in the soup. So insyaALLAH we can eat Udon in this restaurant. But remember not all the menu are Muslim friendly, Udon with meat topping and curry are forbidden to eat. Only Udon with vegetables topping, eggs and grated radish are (InsyaALLAH) permissible . Regarding the Tempura they fry the tempura in one place (With non halal chicken) so if you consider that frying in the same oil with non halal material is Haram (Forbidden) you better avoid their Tempura (all tempura). Please check the pictures below for menu that permissible to eat (I put mark on menu that contains Haram materials)
Full address :
〒980-0021 Miyagi Prefecture, Sendai, Aoba Ward, Chuo, 4 Chome−1−1 Ebeans 1F

I put mark on the pictures for Udon that contains haram materials

Halal Food in Miyagi area

Brothers and Sisters we are sorry that for now the review only limited to Miyagi area. InsyaALLAH with your support and Dua we can expand to another Tohoku Prefecture insyaALLAH..
For today, Halal in Japan pick one of the most delicious Sendai city omiyage (souvenir). Mochi (rice cake) is a very popular traditional food in Miyagi. The prefecture has more than 50 different ways of eating it, of which zunda-mochi is the best known. Zunda is made from Edamame or young green soybeans from the pod, it's very tasty and amazingly delicious. But the most important thing to consider is the Halal-ness of the product. Halal in Japan confirmed the ingredients directly to the store about the emulsifier (乳化剤) in Zunda saryo product (one of the famous Zunda product producer from Sendai) , their emulsifier are derived from plant based materials. Please remember that not all product from zunda saryo is Halal to eat, their Zunda Roll Cake contain alcohol. We put other products from other producer as well, that ingredients are Muslim Friendly. Please check the pictures for further information.
you can find Zunda Saryo product in every corner of Sendai, InsyaALLAH. including in DAIE and Sendai Station.
Enjoy traditional Miyagi Prefecture snack and dont forget to say Bismillahirahmannirahim befor eating, It's sunnah 

It's Haram, because the rollcake product from Zunda Saryo contains Alcohol

Zunda Formage contains Gelatin, please avoid this product


Another review for today is ROLL MADU (Yes i said Roll Madu) mouthwatering displays of roll cake and pasta in Parco Building 1F, very close to Sendai Station, fortunately they have some menu that safe for Muslim to eat. This restaurant will give you unique experience of another taste of permissible foods in Sendai. If you dont have time to cook at home, want to celebrate your marriage or accomplishment with friends, you should give it a try. We confirm directly to the store about the ingredients and we will update it soon when we have new information regarding menu. Remember, not all menu are halal. Menu that contains meat it's not Halal
Please see pictures for further information…

Ponzu shitate no aji gohan

When you live close to Lawson and too tired to cook, you may buy this rice and fish product "Ponzu shitate no aji gohan". InsyaAllah permissible to eat. Confirmation based on Ingredients. 

[Ootoya / 大戸屋]

Assalamualaikum dear brothers and sisters,
If you want to taste exquisite Japanese dishes, a place named Ootoya is a place you must visit. We can eat a variety of Japanese home dishes, and Japanese set menu (Teishoku) which include pickles and miso soup (We confirmed by phone that their Miso soup did not contains alcohol). It offers a high quality of food at affordable prices.
Luckily, Ootoya serves many "safe" menus in its roster. Below are some of the muslim-friendly menus, confirmed on the basis of Ootoya allergen list ( ).
- Main menu: First we have to sort out those menus containing chicken, beef, pork that are obviously not Halal, which left us with fish menus. Nearly all fish menus are safe for us to eat, but we still need to be careful for the seemingly Halal fish dishes but are actually not.
The fish dishes which are NOT Halal include: Salty Grilled Red Fish with Mirin (赤魚の塩麹みりん漬け炭火焼き定食), Grilled Shimahokke Set Menu (しまほっけのゆう庵焼き定食), Children Lunch (お子様ランチ), and Children Omelette Rice (お子様オムライス).
- Side menu: Almost all side menus are safe, EXCEPT these 3: Mini Chicken Salad (ミニ鶏の黒酢あん), Grilled Shimahokke Fish (しまほっけのゆう), Oroshipon Vinegar (おろしぽん酢)
- Dessert: Almost all dessert menus are safe, EXCEPT these 4: Parfait Uji Matcha pudding and ice (宇治抹茶のプリントアイスのパフェ), Peach Parfait (桃のパフェ), Egg Pudding (たまごぷりん), Cheese Cake (チーズケーキ魔法のクリム添え).
- Bentou (take-away menu): 4 menus are safe, including Vegetable and Shimahokke Fish Bentou (野菜黒酢としまほっけゆう庵のやさい五穀ご飯弁), Vegetable and Madara Fish Bentou (真だらと野菜の黒酢あん弁当), Charcoal-grilled Saba Fish Bentou (さばの炭火焼き弁当), Charcoal-grilled Shimahokke Fish Bentou (しまほっけの炭火焼き弁当)

Kappa Sushi (かっぱ寿司)

Kappa Sushi is one of "Kaiten" sushi restaurant that provide variety of sushi with cheap price.
Although there are many sushi that Halal in here, we must be careful to sushi that not Halal even if it is a fish dish.
For further information of dishes that halal or not halal please check the picture (crossed picture mean not halal).
Non halal sushi from top left :
Tuna maki
Sakana no tatsuta roll
Zeppin kappa no original salad roll

Non halal sushi from top left :
Tori soboro ranou
Toro negi shi tare gunnkan
Salad corn gunkan no moriawase

Premium White Cake is not Halal

Non halal dish from top left :
Akashi yaki fu chawan mushi
Tokusen chawan mushi
Pancetta no carpaccio
Tori Karaage
Tori Karaage (Sweet chili sauce)
Takoyaki (Ponzu shure)

Non halal sushi from top left :
Roast beef kizami wasabi
Roast beef daikon oroshi sauce

Non halal dish from top left :
Hamaguri no shirumono
Akashiyaku fu takosui

Non halal sushi from top left :