As I promised, now I wanna give you some tips how to write a Motivation Letter.
This is super hyper extremely important document! Intinya adalah gimana kita "menjual diri" kita dalam satu halaman,and harus bisa meninggalkan kesan buat si pembaca kalo kita emang orang yang bersemangat and layak buat dapet beasiswa. Gw beruntung pernah diajarin cara buat motlet ama konsultan. And you know berapa kali motlet gw dikoreksi? 6 kali! Kenapa banyak? Soalnya gw dulu nulis persis kesalahan klasik manusia Indonesia kl nulis motlet.
This is super hyper extremely important document! Intinya adalah gimana kita "menjual diri" kita dalam satu halaman,and harus bisa meninggalkan kesan buat si pembaca kalo kita emang orang yang bersemangat and layak buat dapet beasiswa. Gw beruntung pernah diajarin cara buat motlet ama konsultan. And you know berapa kali motlet gw dikoreksi? 6 kali! Kenapa banyak? Soalnya gw dulu nulis persis kesalahan klasik manusia Indonesia kl nulis motlet.
Biar ga bingung, gw jelasin sekalian make motlet gw yang keterima beasiswa. Kalian boleh contek, tapi jangaaaaan jiplak! Okeh? Garis besarnya gini, usahain motlet kalian kebagi dalam beberapa bagian kaya disini:.
Pertamax, introduction. Nah disini kalian tulis sekilas latar belakang kalian. Pilih yang paling menjual. Bisa pas kuliah atau kerja (better if both). Nah, big DON'T disini, "Jangan merendah atau minta dikasihani!" Kesalahan klasik pada nulis gini, "I came from poor family bla..bla..bla". Kata yg ngajarin gw, they don't give a shit! Jangan ceritain masa lalu yang suram, seakan kalian layak dikasihani. Mereka butuh orang yang semangat, bukan peminta! Gw dulu juga nulis gitu sih. hehe
During the past four years, I studied Management with specialization in Finance at University of Indonesia. The emphasis of my studies was to understanding the fundamental economic and finance principles that works in world. But I also learned about other diverse topics such as Markets, International Trading, and Macroeconomics. I realized that economics related to other disciplines. One of them is psychology. The cooperation between these two disciplines creates what so called Behavioral Economics.
Tips: Usahain kalian selalu sambung2in ke program atau jurusan yang bakal kalian tuju. Jadi yang ngebaca bener2 ngerasa kalian udah mantep mau pergi and udah yakin tujuannya. Makanya rempong kalo kalian ngedaftar ke banyak jurusan, motletnya ya harus beda2.
Kedua, what are you doing now. Nah, di paragraf ini, kalian tulis dah apa yang kalian kerjain. Seninya disini nih! Gimana kalian bisa ngegambarin seakan kerjaan kalian tuh keren nan bermanfaat banget! Disini lebay diwajibkan tapi jangan bullshit.
After I graduated, my thesis supervisor asked me to work at her in Bisnis Indonesia, the first and most reliable economic daily in this country. In my division, I made a research about financial industries and its products. Sometimes, people get confused where they have to invest their money. In Indonesia, there are 122 banks, 409 companies in stock market, 300 unit link products and more than 950 mutual funds products. My job is to find among them, which one are the best. Which banks who operate most efficiently, which financial products who give the highest return, consistent, well-performed, and which listed companies who have good fundamental and technical aspects. With my founding, it can help investor to decide where they should be putting their money.
See? Seakan keren toh kerjaannya? Padahal aslinya ga segitunya juga. Kuncinya exaggerating, BUT DO NOT LIE! Juga jangan ceritain misalnya kalian ikut kepengurusan pas di SMA, ngadain pensi atau macem2. Kecuali kalian beneran Project Officernya. Pilih yang paling ngejual.
Ketiga, jelasin pentingnya program (atau jurusan kalian) ke kondisi yang riil. Gimana cara nyarinya? Banyak2 baca koran atau baca jurnal. Kalo punya gw, gw sambungin sama krisis finansial 2008.
This is important. Because banking and financial sector plays very important role in country’s economic condition. We have witnessed that recent crisis is caused by these two sectors. There were many seminars and conferences held to discuss about how to overcome and to prevent this crisis, but many studies forecasted that those new regulation such as increased disclosure, stronger capital base, and enhancing market discipline, will prove less effective than anticipated because they largely ignore the behavioral elements of the crisis.
So, I believe, if I take this master where I can combine these two sciences, I could learn the latest issues, also I will learn the brand new science which were not taught at any universities in my country. I’m sure that after I finish this master I will be able to enter the world with the latest knowledge, confidence, and experiences. Armed with a solid understanding of academic principles, I can create my future career. Because I will be well versed in the theory, I will be able to adapt and modify the theoretical constructs as required in order to meet my career's needs.
Tips: Try to make you understand what you gonna do. Try to be updated with current condition, but don’t show off. Pakai kata kata yang simple aja.
Terus kalian jelasin rencana kalian kedepannya. Yang harus diperhatiin, cari tau apa tujuan si pemberi beasiswa. Apakah mereka mengharapkan kalian jadi dosen (akademisi) atau jadi profesional. Kalo beasiswa yang gw dapet, pemberinya dari kementrian luar negeri Prancis yang mereka ngarepnya kelak gw jadi profesional atau birokrat yang kelak bisa jadi penghubung RI-Prancis di masa depan. Jelasin juga kenapa kalian pengen keluar negeri. Again, jangan bullshit and jangan klise! Cukuplah makhluk2 KMP dan KIH aja yang bullshit. Yang normal2 aja bahasanya, tapi bisa nunjukkin visi kalian. Oya, jangan lupa puji2 universitas ama negara tujuan ya! Sedikit ngejilat gapapalah.
Your university is definitely the right place to study for several reasons. First of all, Sorbonne is well known as a prestigious university not only in France but also in the world. Many important people in my country were graduated from your university. Secondly, this program is relatively new, so I believe that could be my advantage when I back to my country. I’m also having big enthusiasm and dream to live and study in the heart of Europe. Live in the country like France which has a great atmosphere, warm people, beautiful nature and mixed culture will benefit me with valuable experience.
So kalian harus banyak2 pelajarin tentang universitas yang kalian tuju. Berikutnya kalian harus bisa meyakinkan bahwa kalian itu siap berada di pergaulan internasional. They looking for open minded people.
If there is an opportunity in the future, I have a plan to pursue my professional career in the international organization such as The World Bank, ADB, IMF or the other international organization under the UN. I have several reasons why I want to work in the multinational environment. First, I notice that although Indonesia is a big country, the representation of Indonesian people in these organizations is relatively small. Therefore, if I succeed to join in these organizations, I could contribute more to my country. And, I also seek for the prestigious and high value for being a part of the international organization which can open up many doors for networking purpose and opportunity to enhance my career as international economist or analyst.
Next, kalian jelasin visi kalian ke depan apa. Jangan klise banget kaya saya ingin berbakti kepada bangsa dan negara. Itu wajib ditulis, tapi make bahasa yang elegan.
Finally, as a final goal in my professional career, I want to become a decision maker for this country in the financial field. I’ve been witnessed how my senior from University of Indonesia become decision maker and regulator as a Ministry of Trade, Industry, Finance, Planning Agency, etc. I noticed that they have a similarity on their track record, they have graduated from prestigious universities, they have spend their time in the international organization such as World Bank, IMF, or WTO for at least 5 years from their whole career. By following their path, I assume I’ll have the same possibility to devoted my time and minds for my beloved country. At this stage, in the end of my career, I will not just become the decision maker for my institution but my decision will also have a direct impact to the Indonesian economy. I believe with a big effort to reach it, it is not just a dream.
Inilah motlet gw. Sekali lagi jangan jiplak ya. Banyak yang message ke FB gw nanyain. So bakal lebih baik and biar sekalian nih grup ramean dikit, kalian bisa share disini. Terus bisa dikoreksi sama2 temen2 yang lain. Kali aja ada yang ngasih saran, atau yang jago inggris bisa ngasitau ada salah grammar. Emang males banget buatnya.
Inget prinsipnya: Man jadda wa jadda, Siapa yang bersungguh-sungguh, dia pasti akan berhasil! Jangan kaya orang2 diluarsana yang nunjuk2 gw pengen dapet beasiswa ke US, UK, Jepang, tapi no action! Mais je suis sur que VOUS, pouvez le faire. I’m sure you guys can do it!
Bonne chance, bon courage
Good luck and keep the spirit!
Good luck and keep the spirit!
PS: Kalo kalian ada temen yang juga lagi nyari beasiswa, ajak aja gabung so bisa saling ngasih info and saling ngoreksi.
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