Ministry of Youth and Sports Republic of Indonesia in a joint cooperation with OTP Foundation proudly present :
Bandung, 18 - 22 September 2015
The aim of the event is to unite the Youth of FEALAC, to facilitate the establishment of social relations through interaction and socialization to build friendship among participants, as well as to cultivate sportsmanship and positive mental attitude within each participant from 36 countries.
The event, which promoting “Empowering the Atlantic-Pacific Net” as the theme, will have four sub-events, namely Workshops, Discussions, Conference, and Study Visits.
Join us by volunteering for the first Atlantic-Pacific Net Revolution.
If you are:
1. 16 - 26 years old,
2. Fluent in English,
3. Willing to volunteer before, during, and after the event.
Join us as a volunteer in these divisions: Event, Content, Design and Documentation, Logistic, Marketing and Registration, and Sponsorship.
Benefits: Certificate signed by the Ministry, and life-changing experience!
Visit or Registration to apply!
For Further info : and
Please contact :
Project Supervisor : Bryan Gunawan (083894653533)
Co-Project Manager : Aryo Moedanton (0817622866)
Rahma Rusydina (081317972677)
P.S. #1 We are opening registration to be country delegate soon, so stay close :)
P.S. #2 Also keep yourself updated for more events by On That Point Institute, later on this year by following our twitter account @otpinstitute or :)
kak, kalo untuk registrasi delegasi negara kapan? terima kasih :)