NTU/NTNU Summer +
Plus Academy Summer + Programs enable students from all over the world to gain first-hand experience, college credits, and cultural exploration – all within an international setting based on academic and personal growth. With programs that cover topics from Mandarin Chinese to agriculture, biotechnology, leadership, and economics, Summer Plus is sure to have something for everyone. Not only do these programs allow students to expand their cultural experiences, they give them the tools to succeed in diverse environments by encouraging travel, dialogue, and hands-on experiences in several fields of study. We hope you will look into each of these programs and select the one that best fits your needs and interests. We welcome your questions and look forward to reading your applications.
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NTU offered USD200-USD400 discount to partner university students. Also, there are scholarship opportunities, full program fee waivers, offered to several applicants for +C2 (Chinese Translation & Culture) and +C3 (Chinese Classics & Culture.)
+A1 I am Leonardo da Vinci: Art & Design
Jul 07 – Jul 28, 2015 (3 weeks)
(Operated by NTNU)
Cultural and Creative Industries Design: The course provides students with a strong foundation in global design, covering everything from cutting-edge design to future trends. Students will be taking part in a 'Design Travel Project' to understand principles of design as well as Taipei city, one of Asia's most innovative cities. They'll explore the complex culture and history of this unique city through a variety of activities, including art and design events, visits to local landmarks, concerts, exhibitions, and night markets.
Lacquer Painting Technique: Natural lacquer is compatible with both oil and water, and it can be applied onto various material bodies, such as paper, painting canvas, wood, and pottery, etc. +A1 emphasizes both theory and practice of lacquer painting techniques.
+A1C I am Leonardo da Vinci: Art & Design (+ MTC: Mandarin Course)
Jul 07 – Jul 28, 2015 (3 weeks)
(Operated by NTNU)
+A1C combines +A1 courses (Cultural and Creative Industries Design and Lacquer Painting Technique) and Mandarin Chinese class (taught in Chinese).The Mandarin Chinese class is offered by NTNU’s Mandarin Training Center (MTC). The MTC is the oldest, best-known and largest language center in Taiwan with students from more than 70 countries. The MTC provides courses for students with any level of Chinese proficiency.
+A2 Do, Re & ME: Music Exploration
Aug 03 – Aug 21, 2015 (3 weeks)
(Operated by NTNU)
Music Appreciation: The major objective of the course is to enhance students’ understanding and appreciation of music so that music can play a bigger role in their day-to- day life. The course will explore the origin, essence, and expression of music. The course also seeks to familiarize students with the characteristics of music and its forms of expression and to guide them to appreciate the performances of top-notch musicians.
History of Taiwanese Music: The objective of the course is to enhance students’ understanding of the historical context as well as the content of Taiwanese music. The focus of this course will be placed on traditional music and modern music composition in Taiwan so that students can have a comprehensive exposure to the music environment in Taiwan and thus develop a stronger sense of local identity.
+A2C Do, Re & ME: Music Exploration (+ MTC: Mandarin Course)
Aug 03 – Aug 21, 2015 (3 weeks)
(Operated by NTNU)
+A2C combines +A2 courses (Music Appreciation, History of Taiwanese Music) and Mandarin Chinese class (taught in Chinese).
The Mandarin Chinese class is offered by NTNU’s Mandarin Training Center (MTC). The MTC is the oldest, best-known and largest language center in Taiwan with students from more than 70 countries. The MTC offers courses for students with any level of Chinese proficiency.
+C1 Chinese Language & Culture
Session I Jul 01 – Jul 29, 2015 (4 weeks)
Session II Aug 03 – Aug 29, 2015 (4 weeks)
+C1 allows students to experience East Asian culture and acquire Mandarin Chinese competence. The program is based on a unique mix of Exploring Taiwan and Mandarin Chinese courses. Exploring Taiwan is conducted in English and studies different environmental, historical or sociocultural facets of Taiwan. Weekly field trips and social activities, such as calligraphy and martial arts classes, are offered in hopes of more profound immersion into East Asian culture.
+C2 Chinese Translation & Culture
Jul 20 – Aug 22, 2015 (5 weeks)
(Program taught in Chinese)
+C2 aims at strengthening and further developing students’ Chinese-English translation skills. It is designed for non-native speakers of Chinese with advanced Chinese and English levels. This course balances theory, practice and site visits, bringing together like-minded students to experience a summer filled with discovery.
+C3 Chinese Classics & Culture
Aug 3 – Aug 22, 2015 (3 weeks)
+C3 provides students with an opportunity to understand the highlights of Chinese Classics, including I-Ching, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Through lectures and site visits, students will explore the essence of Chinese Classics, especially its philosophy, which permeates Taiwanese people and culture.
+L1 Laboratory Research & Culture
Session I Jul 01 – Aug 8, 2015 (6 weeks)
Session II Jul 20 – Aug 29, 2015 (6 weeks)
+L1 allows students to not only take advantage of NTU's state-of-the-art laboratories but also take a closer look at East Asian culture. This program combines laboratory research, Exploring Taiwan courses and field trips with an eye to examining environment, resources, and social culture of Taiwan.
+L2 Emerging Technology in Civil and Building Engineering: BIM
Jul 01 – Jul 29, 2015 (4 weeks)
(Program taught in Chinese)
+ L2 studies the latest AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) technology and BIM (Building Information Modeling).Top BIM researchers and experts in NTU will share their knowledge and experiences with students on BIM’s core concepts, principles, and strategies of building projects. The program also includes a series of hands-on computer lab workshops. Students will learn to employ the popular BIM tool, Autodesk Revit, to develop parametric models, experience with collaborative working environment, measure quantities and identify properties of building components. Multiple site visits will be arranged to increase students’ understanding of BIM applications. * For English-speaking students who would like to learn BIM, the BIM Lab program in the “+L1 Summer Program for Laboratory Research & Culture” (six-week program) is recommended.
+N1 Biotechnology
Aug 16 – Aug 29, 2015 (2 weeks)
+N1 combines laboratory experience and Animal Biotechnology Laboratory Practice Course. Through laboratory experience, Summer+N1 provides an opportunity to learn to conduct cutting-edge research in a laboratory of your choice and to explore various types of scientific research with NTU’s most distinguished professors. Through the Laboratory Practice Course, students will investigate techniques central to biotechnological research and develop cross-cultural communication skills.
+N2 Biodiversity, Agriculture and Culture of Taiwan (BACT)
Jun 27 – Jul 26, 2015 (4 weeks)
+N2 guides students to discover Taiwan’s biodiversity and agriculture and take a closer look at East Asian culture. All the courses and field trips of this program will be conducted in English with 4 credits offered. The program provides in-depth studies on ocean elevations and the biodiversity of Taiwan. Students will visit the National Palace Museum to get hands-on experiences with tea culture, Chinese calligraphy, and Mandarin. Most importantly, students will explore other towns, delve into the beauty of the island, and feel the hospitality of the locals.
+N3 Developmental Biology
Aug 3 – Aug 29, 2015 (4 weeks)
+N3 is a program for understanding developmental processes using genetic or genomic approaches, focus on basic knowledge, and tools in developmental biology. Students will work under the supervision of the faculty members to conduct a hands- on project and a final presentation. This program offers projects on yeast, C. elegans, Drosophila, planarian, leech, zebrafish, mouse, and Arabidopsis. In addition to the lab experience lectures, a field trip to explore Taiwanese culture will be arranged.
+S1 International Economic and Trade Law
Jul 01 – Jul 19, 2015 (3 weeks)
International Commercial Arbitration introduces rules and principles of international commercial arbitration from an Asia-Pacific perspective.
Legal Writing and Negotiation Skills is based on real-life negotiation exercises of professor’s experiences as a supervisor for the Harvard Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program.
WTO Law discusses dispute settlement mechanism and treaty interpretation on the key operational aspects of WTO.
Exploring Law and Practice in Taiwan offers field trips to courts, legal institutions or law firms, allowing students to take a glance at the legal development and practices in Taiwan.
+S2 Innovation & Entrepreneurship
Jul 15 – Aug 11, 2015 (4 weeks)
+S2 NTU’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship Summer Program is offered by College of Management, and it provides students with a unique and exciting opportunity to study and learn in Taiwan. Students will obtain business knowledge, explore Asian economic trends and experience the management practices in Greater China. The program aims to help students turn theory into practice, ambition into purpose, and potential into achievement.
+S3 Understanding Taiwan in Global Settings
Aug 3 – Aug 22, 2015 (3 weeks)
+S3 is specifically designed for students from University of Tokyo and NTU for 2015 summer exchange. It is a cross-cultural comparative study program based on learning and exchange of political economic, social, and civil society issues from Asia-Pacific views. Students will collaborate and discuss with distinguished professors.
+S4 Exploring Taiwan:Culture & Society
Aug 03, 2015 – Aug 29, 2015 (4 weeks)
+S4 Students reported exceptional experiences participating in this program since this program was established in 2012. This program includes Taiwanese society and culture courses and Exploring Taiwan courses. Students will be able to choose either “Politics and Economics” or “Literature and Arts”. They will also discuss and explore Taiwanese history and culture, cinematic arts, and politics and economics from different perspectives.
+S5 Confucius in the 21st Century: Modern Education
Aug 03 – Aug 21, 2015 (3 weeks)
(Operated by NTNU)
Classroom Observations: This course covers theories and practices of classroom observations. Students will learn knowledge and skills of classroom observations through both reading and practices.
Educational Policy: This theme-based course explores issues in education policies with focus on local and international comparisons, including the role of state, the influence of marketization, networking of stakeholders and social equity, and the policy transfer and borrowing around the world.
+S5C Confucius in the 21st Century: Modern Education (+ MTC: Mandarin Course)
Aug 03 – Aug 21, 2015 (3 weeks)
(Operated by NTNU)
+S5C combines +S5 course (Classroom Observations, Educational Policy), and Mandarin Chinese class (delivered in Mandarin).
The Mandarin Chinese class is offered by NTNU’s Mandarin Training Center (MTC). The MTC is the oldest, best-known and largest language center in Taiwan with students from more than 70 countries. The MTC offers courses for students with any level of Chinese proficiency.
For requirements for specific courses please refer to this site :
..............KISAH NYATA..............
BalasHapusAss.Saya Bpak.Apri Yanto Dari Kota Surabaya Ingin Berbagi Cerita
dulunya saya pengusaha sukses harta banyak dan kedudukan tinggi tapi semenjak
saya ditipu oleh teman hampir semua aset saya habis,
saya sempat putus asa hampir bunuh diri,tapi saya buka
internet dan menemukan nomor Ki Kanjeng,saya beranikan diri untuk menghubungi beliau,saya dikasi solusi,
awalnya saya ragu dan tidak percaya,tapi saya coba ikut ritual dari Ki Kanjeng alhamdulillah sekarang saya dapat modal dan mulai merintis kembali usaha saya,
sekarang saya bisa bayar hutang2 saya di bank Mandiri dan BNI,terimah kasih Ki,mau seperti saya silahkan hub Ki
Kanjeng Taat Pribadi di nmr 085325576777 Kyai Dari Probolinggo,ini nyata demi Allah kalau saya bohong,indahnya berbagi,assalamu alaikum.
((((((((((((DANA GHAIB)))))))))))))))))
Pesugihan Instant 10 MILYAR
Mulai bulan ini (juli 2015) Kami dari padepokan mengadakan program pesugihan Instant tanpa tumbal, serta tanpa resiko. Program ini kami khususkan bagi para pasien yang membutuhan modal usaha yang cukup besar, Hutang yang menumpuk (diatas 1 Milyar), Adapun ketentuan mengikuti program ini adalah sebagai berikut :
Mempunyai Hutang diatas 1 Milyar
Ingin membuka usaha dengan Modal diatas 1 Milyar
Syarat :
Usia Minimal 21 Tahun
Berani Ritual (apabila tidak berani, maka bisa diwakilkan kami dan tim)
Belum pernah melakukan perjanjian pesugihan ditempat lain
Suci lahir dan batin (wanita tidak boleh mengikuti program ini pada saat datang bulan)
Harus memiliki Kamar Kosong di rumah anda
Proses :
Proses ritual selama 2 hari 2 malam di dalam gua
Harus siap mental lahir dan batin
Sanggup Puasa 2 hari 2 malam ( ngebleng)
Pada malam hari tidak boleh tidur
Biaya ritual Sebesar 10 Juta dengan rincian sebagai berikut :
Pengganti tumbal Kambing kendit : 5jt
Ayam cemani : 2jt
Minyak Songolangit : 2jt
bunga, candu, kemenyan, nasi tumpeng, kain kafan dll Sebesar : 1jt
Prosedur Daftar Ritual ini :
Kirim Foto anda
Kirim Data sesuai KTP
Format : Nama, Alamat, Umur, Nama ibu Kandung, Weton (Hari Lahir), PESUGIHAN 10 MILYAR
Kirim ke nomor ini : 085325576777
SMS Anda akan Kami balas secepatnya
Maaf Program ini TERBATAS hanya untuk 25 Orang saja..